Constitution (Rule)
I. General Provision
1. Name
- This Society is named "The Asian Society for Psoriasis (the ASP)"
- The headquarters secretariat of the ASP shall be placed at the facility to which the president belongs.
II. Background to the Establishment and Concept
1. Background
By the present, many nationwide meetings as to psoriasis have been held in Asian region. For examples, the Japanese Society for Psoriasis Research (the JSPR), the Korean Society for Psoriasis (the KSP), the Chinese Psoriasis Conference (the CPC), the Xi'an International Psoriasis Forum and so on are well known. Therefore, psoriasis researchers in those countries gathered in one place, to know each other, and know the psoriasis study of the other country, time on the basis of it, to build cooperation and further development of each other also have come to we hope. A strong cooperation from the psoriasis conference of each country must be indispensable. However, at this time, social activities so far are not ripe in many Asian countries except Japan, China and Korea.
So, as part of preparations, the Tokai International Psoriasis Summit 2014 (the TIPS 2014) was held in Tokyo in 2014 (The President : OZAWA Akira and the Secretary General : MABUCHI Tomotaka). In the TIPS 2014, more than 75 Japanese researchers and 25 researchers from China, Korea, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and the United States participated. And this conference was held by Tokai University research funding only. Because we wanted to be able to discuss in the 2014 TIPS without any bias from pharmaceutical companies and so on. Therefore, this meeting was held without any research funds from Pharmaceutical companies. We believe that holding such a meeting will be useful and varied for the development of future research while maintaining mutual friendship and introduction of research activities.
And in the TIPS, we were able to create a joint declaration and cooperation minutes in English by cooperation and support of all the participants. As the summary of "the Statement of the TIPS 2014", the concepts of "To Know Others and To Do Something Together" were not only meaningful but also in demand. Therefore, we will share the concepts and collaborate, and ultimately hope to establish an official academic organization for Psoriasis that represents Asia. From that time, the meeting for Psoriasis will be held in two years each. And the next meeting will be held on September in 2016, Seoul.
The Asian Summit for Psoriasis 2016 (the ASP 2016) was held in Seoul (The President : YOUN Jai Il and the Secretary General : SONG Hae Jun. The ASP 2016 was an extension of the same spirit we shared in the meeting of the TIPS 2014, Tokyo. The Slogan of the ASP 2016 was "Raising our blossom together!" About 50 Korean dermatologists from the KSP and 25 researchers from outside the country, Japan, China, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and Mongolia as a new member joined to the ASP 2016, Seoul. As the statement of ASP 2016, China undertook and held the next meeting which was held by the President Dr. ZHENG Min, as the International Psoriasis Symposium 2018, Kunming.
2. Concept
The concept of "the Asian Society for Psoriasis" is "To Know Others and To Do Something Together ", and it is not only meaningful, but also in demand.
Therefore, we will share the concepts and collaborate, and ultimately hope to establish an official academic organization for psoriasis that represent Asia.
III. Purpose
According to the Concepts of the ASP, the following matters have to be considered and carried out smoothly and appropriately.
1. "To Know Others"
- Make a chance an encourage more doctors and lectures from foreign countries outside the country where the academic conference is held to attend.
- Promote an encourage young dermatologists to have the opportunity to participate and learn in an exchange program in various regions in Asia.
- Assist the establishment of an official psoriasis organization in regions that do not have such organization.
2. "To Do Something Together"
- Epidemiological study of psoriasis
- Research on the efficacy of treatment and side effects
- Research on Quality of Life (QOL)
- (1) Assessing the difference in a survey of QOL between doctors and patients
(2) Assessing the change in QOL value before and after treatment - Establishing an educational system for young dermatologists regarding psoriasis
- Establishing a system to educate patients with psoriasis
- Co-writing a textbook on psoriasis
IV. Membership
1. Member Type
The ASP consists of regular members and supporting members.
- Regular members
(1) Having participation registration at the ASP, after the membership fee is paid, it becomes a regular member.
(2) A regular member can participate in the ASP.
(3) Information by the ASP will be distributed to regular members. - Supporting member
(1) We agree with the purpose of the ASP and make individuals or corporations that pays support membership expenses a supporting member.
(2) For supporting members, obtain approval from the president.
(3) Supporting members can participate in the ASP.
(4) Information by the ASP will be distributed to supporting members.
2. Membership Fee
- When registering at the an academic event, regular members pay 10% of the registration fee as a two-year membership fee.
- Supporting members shall pay $2,000 as membership fee for 2 years.
3. Participation Fee Paid / Refunded
- The member shall pay the membership fee specified respectively.
- Membership fees will not be refunded for any reason.
- Honorary President, Honrary Advisor, Special Advisor and Auditor shall exempt dues.
4. Loss of Qualification
- When not paying membership fee.
- When you are declared prohibited or quasi-prohibited.
- When you receive death or a declaration of disappearance.
- When expelled.
5. Exclusion
If the member falls under one of the following items, the president may exit it after going through the Board of Directors' decision.
- As a member of the ASP, those who have lost their qualifications.
- What hurt the honor of the ASP markedly.
- When the member acts contrary to the concept and purpose of the ASP.
V. Officers
1. Officers and terms of office
We have the following officers at our society. In addition, after the term of office of officers expires until you are appointed, the duties shall be taken.
- President (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Vice President (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Director (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Secretary General (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Secretary (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Honorary President (lifetime)
- Honorary Adviser (lifetime)
- Special Adviser (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Auditor (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
- Administrative staff (2 years, reappointment is not disturbed)
2. Duties
- President
(1) On behalf of the ASP, pursue smooth and appropriate management in accordance with its concept and purpose.
(2) Convene the Board of Directors at the time of the ASP.
(3) Call an extraordinary Board of Directors as necessary. - Vice President
(1) Comply with the matters decided at the Board of Directors and assist the President in order to carry out proper management of the ASP.
(2) When the president is unable to fulfill its duties (such as illness, death, dismissal, etc.), the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President at the remaining term of office of the President. - Director
(1) Attend the Board of Directors and the ASP.
(2) Following the resolutions at the Board of Directors, endeavor to ensure smooth and appropriate management.
(3) Cooperation for an investigation and/or research, which was decided at the Board of Directors. - Honorary President
Advice and support the President on the smooth and appropriate operation of the ASP. - Honorary Advisor
(1) Advise and support the President on smooth and appropriate operation of the ASP.
(2) Provide advice and support on matters requested by the President. - Special Advisor
(1) Advise and support the President on smooth and appropriate operation of the ASP.
(2) Provide advice and support on matters requested by the President. - Secretary General
(1) Assist the President and serve as a smooth operation of the ASP.
(2) To oversee the Secretary of each country, to manage the smooth operation of international affairs.
(3) In the ASP, report the affairs to the member. - Secretary
(1) Manage membership affairs of each country.
(2) Collaborate with the Secretary-General to make efforts to facilitate the operation of the Association. - Auditor
(1) Audit the accounting situation and business execution situation of the ASP.
(2) Report the status of the audit at the Board of Directors. - Administrative Staff
(1) Assist the administrative work of the Secretary General and the Secretariat.
3. Election
- President
The President is determined by mutual election at the Board of Directors. - Vice President
Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Director
Under the recommendation of the President, Vice Presidents or Directors, obtain approval at the Board. - Honorary President
(1) A person who has experienced the President or has been accredited equivalent there to.
(2) Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Honorary Advisor
(1) A person who has experienced the Vice president, Director, Secretary General, Special Adviser, Auditor or have been accredited equivalent there to.
(2) Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Special Advisor
(1) Responsible person such as the Psoriasis Society of each country or equivalent academic conference.
(2) Responsible person of the Dermatological Association of each country.
(3) Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Secretary General
Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Secretary
After consultation between the President and the Secretary General, under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Auditor
Under the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board. - Administrative Staff
Where necessary, the Secretary General requested the President and, in response to the recommendation of the President, obtain approval at the Board.
VI. Conference
1. Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors consists of the President, the Vice Presidents and Directors.
- The regular Board of Directors is held by the president at the time of the ASP meeting.
- If the President finds it necessary, the extraordinary Board of Directors is held.
- If the Auditor deems it necessary for the performance of its work, the President shall promptly call the extraordinary Board of Directors.
- The President, Vice presidents and Directors attend the executive Board and take part in the vote.
- Honorary President, Honorary Advisor, Special Advisor, Auditor and Secretary General can participate in the Board, but will not participate in the decision.
- Supporting members are not able to participate in the Board.
- If the President finds it necessary, members and others can participate in the Board, but they will not participate in the decision.
2. Chairman of the Board of Directors
The Chairman of the Board shall be appointed from the Vice Presidents or the Directors.
3. Proceedings of the Board of Directors
The following matters shall be submitted to the regular Board of Directors and their approval will be obtained.
- Executive personnel affairs
- Selection of the next term President, approval of the meeting requirements
- Confirmation items to be summarized at the next ASP
- Project plan and report
- Accounting report
- Matters deemed necessary by the President for deliberation
4. Establishment of Board of Directors
Including the power of attorney, the Board of Directors is established with the attendance of more than two thirds of the directors.
5. Voting by the Board of Directors
- The proceedings of the Board of Directors, including power of attorney, shall be decided by a majority of the directors present.
- When the number is equal, the President decides this.
- Honorary Presidents, Honorary Advisor, Special Advisor, Auditor, Secretary-General, Secretary may not participate in the vote.
6. Report of Resolution
The President shall report to the member the matters voted for approval at the Board of Directors.
VII. Asset
1. Assets
The Association's assets are allocated to this, with membership fees and donations, and income from it, and other income.
2. Management
Assets of the ASP are managed by the head office secretariat.
3. Expenses
The expenses required for the execution of the project of ASP have assets and will be applied to this.
4. Budget / Settlement
In the following matters, after auditing by the Auditor, approval shall be obtained by the Board of Directors.
- Business plan and related budget
- Business report and account settlement
5. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the academic societies shall begin on January 1 every year, until December 31.
6. Terms Change
Changes to this agreement are discussed at the Board of Directors, and more than two-thirds of attendees including power of attorney decide by agreeing.
VIII. Supplementary Provisions
1. Enforcement of the Covenant
This Agreement shall come into force as from January 1, 2019.